1. Introduction
This guide covers installing DHCP Broadband on Linux.
If any step fails, do not skip the step or force the installation of any rpm package. An installation that has unmet dependencies will not operate correctly, and manual intervention will be required to complete the first time initialization process. |
2. Install the OS
Install one of the supported operating systems.
3. Update the OS
Ensure that your operating system is fully updated with this command:
$ sudo yum update
4. Download the packages for your platform
wget http://www.weird-solutions.com/download/products/dhcp_broadband-retail-rhel5-i386.tar.gz
wget http://www.weird-solutions.com/download/products/dhcp_broadband-retail-rhel5-x86_64.tar.gz
wget http://www.weird-solutions.com/download/products/dhcp_broadband-retail-rhel6-i386.tar.gz
wget http://www.weird-solutions.com/download/products/dhcp_broadband-retail-rhel6-x86_64.tar.gz
wget http://www.weird-solutions.com/download/3rdparty/i686/FirebirdCS-
wget http://www.weird-solutions.com/download/3rdparty/x86_64/FirebirdCS-
5. Install Extra Required Packages
sudo yum install xinetd compat-libstdc++-33 net-snmp-libs net-snmp net-snmp-utils boost-date-time boost-filesystem boost-program-options boost-regex boost-signals boost-system boost-thread libpng openssl
The stock Firebird 64 bit rpm has dependencies on two 32 bit libraries: ncurses-lib and compat-libstdc++-33. In order to install these, for 64 bit systems, use:
You may need to specify i386 instead of i686
$ sudo yum install ncurses-libs.i686
$ sudo yum install compat-libstdc++-33.i686
6. Install EPEL
Install only ONE of the following:
wget http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/5/i386/epel-release-5-4.noarch.rpm
wget http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/5/x86_64/epel-release-5-4.noarch.rpm
wget http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/i386/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm
wget http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/x86_64/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm
7. Install Monit
# yum install monit
Ensure that chkconfig shows monit starting on boot.
8. Install the database
Use the command below to install the database. If this step fails, double check that you have compat-libstdc++-33 installed.
sudo rpm -ivh Firebird*.rpm
9. Increase Database Connections
The default installation of Firebird does not allow enough database connections through
xinetd. To remedy this, add the following two settings to the /etc/xinetd.d/firebird
file (at the bottom, but before the ending '}' character):
instances = UNLIMITED
per_source = UNLIMITED
After modifying that file, restart xinetd:
$ sudo /etc/init.d/xinetd restart
10. Stop the Monit daemon
# service monit stop
This step ensures that monit does not attempt to start the daemon until installation is complete.
11. Unzip the application
Extract the rpms with this command:
tar -xzvf dhcp_broadband*.tar.gz
This will create a dhcp_broadband directory with all the RPMS.
12. Install the Packages
You can now install all of the packages with one command. In the dhcp_broadband directory, execute this command:
sudo rpm -ivh *.rpm
12.1. Manually creating a Firebird database account
This step is NOT NORMALLY REQUIRED. Is is only required if the previous rpm installation failed because it could not create a database account. |
If the RPM package installation failed to create a Firebird database account for the DHCP server, you can create the required account manually with the following steps:
First check to see if there’s a DHCPT account in Firebird:
$ sudo grep ISC_USER /opt/firebird/SYSDBA.password
$ sudo grep ISC_PASS /opt/firebird/SYSDBA.password
$ sudo /opt/firebird/bin/gsec -display -user sysdba -password pIRKQ8hV | grep DHCPT
If this user doesn’t exist, run the command below, then check that the account exists as shown in the commands above:
$ sudo /opt/firebird/bin/gsec -add dhcpt -pw dhcpt -user sysdba -password pIRKQ8hV
13. Install ntp
Install and configure ntp
14. Create log archive folders
By default, the service logs into the file /var/log/dhcptd.log. This file is periodically archived with logrotate into the dhcptd folder that you create in the step below:
$ sudo mkdir /var/log/dhcptd
15. Set DHCP Unique Server Index
Every server that will interoperate with another server must have a unique index. This index must be unique across all servers that can "see" each other.
If this is a single server install, there is no need to set the server index. The default index is 0.
To set this value in the config file /etc/dhcpt/dhcptd.conf
The server index may only be between 0 and 15! |
16. Check service startup
At this point you should set the service to start on boot:
$ chkconfig dhcptd on
$ chkconfig wsiwebuid on
17. Start the Monit daemon
$ service monit start
Monit should start the dhcptd service for you. Check that it’s running with this command:
$ sudo service dhcptd start
$ ps axf | grep dhcptd
18. Logging In
Your DHCP service is now ready for configuration. Launch the user interface on any machine and enter the host name or ip address of the DHCP server to log in.
19. Configuring Failover (Command line interface instructions only)
Run dhcpti on the BACKUP server and enter this command:
Run dhcpti on the PRIMARY server and add a replication peer, assuming BACKUP is
Wait for the /var/lib/dhcptd/sync/
directory to be removed. After removal, the backup
is fully synchronized.
Run dhcpti on the BACKUP server and add a replication peer, assuming the PRIMARY is
This replication peer entry is initially disabled. This bypasses full automatic resync. |
Note the OID of the new record, then update the record:
Run dhcpti on the BACKUP and set to standby
Failover should now be fully functional.
20. Backup and Restore
20.1. Backup a database
$ grep ISC_PASS /opt/firebird/SYSDBA.password
$ /opt/firebird/bin/gbak -g -user SYSDBA -password <password> /var/lib/dhcptd/database/dhcpt.fdb /var/lib/dhcptd/database/dhcpt.fbk
The resulting file is a backup, but it is not directly usable as a production database. Firebird will not even recognize it as a database, so you have to restore from this backup before you can use it.
The -g option skips garbage collection, making the backup faster. |
20.2. Restore a database
$ grep ISC_PASS /opt/firebird/SYSDBA.password
$ /opt/firebird/bin/gbak -c -user SYSDBA -password <password> /var/lib/dhcptd/database/dhcpt.fbk /var/lib/dhcptd/database/dhcpt.fdb
The source file for the restore (dhcpt.fbk
) must be a gbak backup file that was originally created with gbak.
21. Contact
Weird Solutions Box 101 18622 Vallentuna SWEDEN tel: +46 8 758 3700 email: info at weird-solutions.com Copyright© 1997-2015, Weird Solutions, Inc.